Monday, November 27, 2006

Top 10 Sites Visited..

(in no particular order..)
(well, maybe in some particular order)

1. My Google Personalized Homepage
(3 tabs: Main, F1, Tech)

2. - some mac rumor action (maybe some truth too?)

3. - cool junk and links

4. - pretty much these rumors are almost never wrong..

5. - some great thoughts and links from my bro's pastor

6. - Ah.. the drudge.. who needs the newspaper when you have this?

7. - I really enjoy the flickr. If you don't have an account and aren't a 'friend or family' of mine you will only see a few pictures i have released to public. email me if you need access to the rest..

8. - this is the 2nd Gen GS section of my favorite Lexus website. Yes this website has led to the following mods: wheels, suspension, exhaust, led tails, new leather seats, k&n intake, etc... here's a snapshot of the ride part-way through transformation..

9. - no you can't see this cuz you aren't in my league.. but here's a snapshot of the league.. that's me in 1st place - Dwight Schrute - it's only 3 weeks in though, so i could end up in last if my key guys get injured..

10. - my favorite map website.. gotta love the active drag'n'zoon as well as satellite imagery..

11. rss feeds in firefox.. not that these count as a website, but i do click once and move my mouse down the list to see the latest haps on many of my favorite sites.. here's a video of what i'm talkin 'bout..

rss joy on Vimeo